Critical thinking for decision-makers who want to make skillful, constructive (non-destructive), sustainable decisions.

I create a curiosity driven and non-judgmental space where you’ll instantly generate new insights about more intentional actions you can take with your decisions.

“Vimla didn’t tell me what was right or wrong, she guided me through my thinking.”—A former client.

Have you ever made a decision to solve an issue only to find it reappear in 10 days?

Applying a critical thinking process helps you solve the issue to the point where you might not see it again for 10 years.But there’s no single model that can help you do this repeatedly over the long term. Models for decision making are useful but the world is changing and you’re changing in it.For your critical thinking to be sustainable you need a process that adapts to these changing environments.

This is where I can help you.

My name is Vimla Gulabani, I’m an ICF Professional Certified Coach and founder of ReAlign Leadership.I’ve been working with decision makers in the private and professional world since 2015. I help them explore their changing internal and external environment. In that process, they identify and realign their skills and competencies needed for a particular situation they face, so they can achieve a constructive outcome.Often the impact of these decisions is felt beyond the decision maker.

Picture of Vimla Gulabani

"Working together, one client realized his leadership style, empowering his direct reports to make their own decisions, didn’t work in every situation. A new direct report, who needed more guidance, caused him to reflect on how to dial down his competency of empowering others."

I create a space where together we become curiosity driven and non-judgmental—a powerful combination.

This creates a non pressurized moment in time where you can explore different perspectives and be at complete freedom of action.

“As we worked together, one client clarified the role of mentors, cheerleaders, and coaches that could help her with her career change. Once she uncovered this insight, it was easy for her to identify people who could fulfill those roles and start taking action on the change.”

My clients tell me that being at choice in this way generates new insights that reveal actions you can take that are more intentional, and impactful. They say that these actions are not about your larger life purpose. Usually they are smaller everyday actions that align with your purpose.This leaves you feeling empowered and energized to get on with the work you want to do, and do it.

“After we worked through a gap analysis, one client created a strategic plan to build his credibility, visibility, network, relationships, and skills. Realizing that he could achieve his goals sooner gave him energy and momentum to work at an even faster pace.”

In my experience working with decision makers, when I ask open-ended, powerful questions about your goals, dreams, and desires, your actions from those decisions are constructive, non-harming, inclusive, thoughtful, and for the greater good of people affected by them.

Would you like to explore what taking more intentional action could feel like in your work?

Reach out to me at for a zero obligation conversation.I promise from that conversation you’ll walk away with either clearer goals, beginning to define your leadership, or start making the intangible, tangible.Warmly

Client Stories

Below are 3 short stories about clients I have worked with. They show the challenges my clients faced and the transformation that occurred from the coaching experience.(All clients' names have been removed for confidentiality.)

My client felt unfulfilled in her job.

There was nothing obviously wrong with her job, but deep down she felt it was not aligned with her passion.

Disengaged and distracted, her family saw her withdrawing from them to escape her frustration.

She daydreamed more and more about a job where she felt connected and could make an impact. She kept ruminating about changing her job but never took any action.

Things came to a head when she was offered a promotion.

She realized she had to make the shift because once she was in the new role a career change would only feel harder.She said she felt trapped between the fear of being stuck in her current job and the fear of leaving it for the unknown. She needed a strategic plan to navigate the destablizing impact of a career move. She talked to family and friends only to get their well intentioned, but ill informed advice.On a friend’s recommendation, she reached out to me.

As we worked together, she clarified the role of mentors, cheerleaders, and coaches that could help her.

She understood that she needed all these people in her life to support her in her career transition path. Once she uncovered this insight, it was easy for her to identify people who could fulfill those roles.It was the key breakthrough she needed to start taking action.Although things came together after that, we continued to work through her limiting beliefs and self-doubts. Once she had her plan on paper she knew she was going to succeed.She felt relieved, excited, and ready to take action.

My client was satisfied with his life, but he was curious to see if there was something more.

He came to coaching with an open mind to explore if and how it could be useful in his life.

He wanted to explore his dreams, potential, and learn what more he could be experiencing.

In our introductory meeting, he said he felt a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. He was surprised that I wouldn’t be advising him, giving him feedback about what was right or wrong, or judging him in any way.

He was in full control of creating the agenda and I would support him through it.

Comforted by this, he explored his curiosity by digging deeper into his thoughts. He shifted his perspective through my challenging and generative questioning.He created a plan with a career timeline and realized that he could achieve some career milestones sooner than he thought. After we worked through a gap analysis, he created a strategic plan to build his credibility, visibility, network, relationships, and skills.

Realizing that he could achieve his goals sooner gave him energy and momentum to work at an even faster pace.

Setting out on this course uncovered some self-doubts. To believe the milestones were possible required him to get comfortable having confidence in his own competence.His journey is ongoing but he will hit one of his success milestones in the coming months—a new job title he’s been working towards.

My client was living a life of procrastination.

She set out tasks each day but only completed half of them because she was easily distracted.

Frustrated in herself, she noticed this affecting her relationships.

After a sequence of setting goals, not accomplishing them, becoming frustrated, and repeating the cycle, the problem became so prevalent that she knew she had to change something to become productive and move forward.

She tried being stricter with herself—she tried being disciplined.

When these approaches didn’t work, she thought there was something underneath that she wasn’t addressing.Tired, frustrated, and fed up, after witnessing my coaching in a group, she reached out to me for an initial conversation.When we began, she said she felt reluctant. She was drained and demoralized from all the previous failed attempts. She came to me to move forward in her life, and as her coach, I knew I needed to be firm to help her do it.

As we worked together, she discovered an unmet need—play.

She was so caught up in trying to “get things done” that she’d forgotten to make time for herself to have fun. As she made time for fun and play in her life, the procrastination fell away.But it wasn’t straight forward.Moving through frustration to find unmet needs was hard. When difficulties arose in her life, the things that nourished her were the first to drop off. As a coach I kept her accountable to fun and play in a supportive way.It was this supportive accountability that kept her going.She now says she is having more fun in her life. It has replaced her feeling of frustration and led to better relationships.

Would you like to explore what taking more intentional action could feel like in your work?

Reach out to me at for a zero obligation conversation.I promise from that conversation you’ll walk away with either clearer goals, beginning to define your leadership, or start making the intangible, tangible.Warmly


Coaching Confidential
by Vimla Gulabani & Lisa DiMatteo

This podcast takes you into a real, live, unscripted coaching session. Be a fly on the wall and listen to a conversation you don't normally get access to.After each session, Lisa and I (both professionally certified coaches) take you behind the scenes of the session deconstructing what came up for both the client and ourselves.


Would you like to explore what taking more intentional action could feel like in your work?

Reach out to me at or schedule an appointment by clicking the button at the bottom right, for a zero-obligation conversation.I promise from that conversation you’ll walk away with either clearer goals, beginning to define your leadership or start making the intangible more tangible.Warmly

Picture of Vimla Gulabani